
Fujifilm XF 18-120mm f/4 LM PZ WR

£779 £899

XF 18-120mm f/4 LM PZ WR 

A hybrid lens with a fully electric drive control mechanism. A versatile zoom that caters to all situations in both stills and videos

The XF18-120mmF4 LM PZ WR is a power zoom lens covering focal lengths from 18mm in wide angle end to 120mm in telephoto end (equivalent to 27mm – 183mm in the 35mm film format). It offers the constant maximum aperture of F4.0 across the entire range from wide angle to telephoto, and maximum magnification ratio of x0.2 to capture close-up shots. Single lens accommodates a wide variety of photographic situations including wide-angle landscape photography, portraiture taken wide open at F4 at the telephoto end to produce beautifully blurred background, and close-up shots of flowers and other plants at the maximum magnification ratio of x0.2.

The XF18-120mmF4 LM PZ WR renders itself well to filming video as it suppresses change in angle of view during focusing and optical axis shift during zooming. Users can zoom and focus with peace of mind while filming video, thus facilitating premium-quality video production. In addition to the regular zoom and focus rings, the lens is equipped with additional video features, i.e. a variable zoom / focus control ring and a zoom button for constant zooming. 


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